I am thinking much about the 'underside'.
When we see life and any issues from a position of richness and power ........ we see a different life than the humans who are without.
Vicky Pollard comes to mind.
We laugh at 'Little Britain' ...... even my Norwegian friends watch the programme and laugh.
There are many beautiful humans like Vicky Pollard.
And her friends.
And those special people who live in the streets near her home.
And her boyfriends.
I saw a young couple today as I paused by the railway station entrance ........... the first thing he did was to step outside the station and push his fingers into the 'change' slot in the public phone box.
She looked rough too.
Complexion was poor.
Chemical eyes.
I was drawn to them.
We can be so 'make poverty history' that we don't use the same principles to those around us.
Being on the wholeness road means;
We can see the images on TV and give money ........... perhaps ......
But, as in New Orleans when the USA was confronted by a hidden mass poverty, ........ we can pass by on the other side when it comes to our own local poverty.
Cannot do anymore 'bits' because I am too disturbed by my own thoughts ......